Virginia is #4 on Forbes’ Best States for Business 因为联邦提供了企业繁荣所需的各州激励措施. The Office of Economic Development & 旅游业是您的合作伙伴和倡导者,并与多个州办事处合作,协调支持希望在林奇堡市落户或扩张的企业. When businesses are willing to invest in Virginia and our workers, 联邦政府愿意通过有针对性的投资来支持商业,为弗吉尼亚公民提供即时回报和长期利益. Visit the Virginia Economic Development Partnership or Request a Meeting with the Office of Economic Development & Tourism to learn more.
Virginia: An Ideal State for Business
State Incentives & Programs
Commonwealth's Opportunity Fund
The Commonwealth’s Opportunity Fund (COF), formerly known as the Governor’s Opportunity Fund (GOF), 州长是否可获得酌情奖励,以确保弗吉尼亚州的商业地点或扩建项目. 补助金是在地方匹配的基础上颁发给地方的,期望补助金将导致对联邦有利的地点决定.
Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP)
The Virginia Jobs Investment Program (VJIP) 激励计划是否为正在创造新工作岗位或经历技术变革的公司提供定制的招聘和培训援助. 该计划旨在通过向符合条件的新公司和扩张公司提供直接资金,降低人力资源开发成本.Learn more
Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund (AFID)
为农业和林业企业增加弗吉尼亚种植产品的价值, 总督的农林产业发展基金(AFID)可能会提供给他们. AFID的拨款是由州长酌情决定的,希望拨款给一个政治分支机构将为弗吉尼亚种植的农业或林业产品带来新的或扩大的加工/增值设施, 并期望这笔拨款对项目的成功至关重要. 非洲发展援助基金赠款的数额和提供的条件由农业和林业部长决定,并经州长批准. Learn more
Virginia Investment Partnership Grant
维吉尼亚州投资合伙补助金(VIP)是一项酌情绩效激励,旨在鼓励维吉尼亚州公司继续进行资本投资, resulting in added capacity, modernization, increased productivity, or the creation, development, and utilization of advanced technology.
The Virginia Economic Development Incentive Grant (VEDIG)
维吉尼亚州经济发展激励补助金(VEDIG)是一种自由裁量的绩效激励, 旨在协助和鼓励公司投资,并通过设立重要的总部来创造新的就业机会, administrative, or service sector operations in Virginia.
Corporate Income Tax Credits
- Major Business Facility Job Tax Credit
- Recycling Equipment Tax Credit
- Day Care Facility Investment Tax Credit
- Worker Retraining Tax Credit
- Virginia Port Tax Credit Programs
- Research and Development Tax Credit
- Green Job Creation Tax Credit
Economic Development Access Program
Administered by the Virginia Department of Transportation, 该计划帮助地方为新的和扩大的基本雇主提供充足的道路通道.
Transportation Partnership Opportunity Fund
Rail Industrial Access Program
Foreign Trade Zone
林奇堡市位于西维吉尼亚对外贸易区,自由贸易区编号. 238 Dublin.
对外贸易区(FTZ)是一个安全的封闭区域,位于入境口岸附近或内. An FTZ is considered to be outside US customs territory, 因此,外国和国内的材料或商品可以进入自由贸易区,而无需缴纳美国关税,直到货物进入美国商业. When merchandise is removed from a FTZ, 如果货物出口到美国境外,关税可能会取消. If the merchandise is formally entered into US commerce, Customs duties are due at the time goods move outside the foreign trade zone.
For companies doing business outside of the US, 利用入境口岸和对外贸易区有很多好处:
- 公司可以从国外任何地点直接运送到外贸区或分区, and can in-bond ship direct from any port, eliminating time delays occurring at other ports.
- 越来越多的公司正在利用将商品从一个地区转移到另一个地区的能力. Because the merchandise is transported in-bond, 关税可以推迟到产品从该区域移出进入美国领土为止.
- By using a foreign trade zone, companies are able to defer, reduce or, in some cases, eliminate duty charges, 取决于进口货物的用途,以及这些货物最终是出口还是留在美国.
- 与其他入境口岸的延误和等待相比,当地的货物和旅客清关要快捷和方便得多.
- 许多使用自贸区的公司发现他们的库存控制系统运行得更有效率, increasing their competitiveness. 自由贸易区用户还发现,履行他们对美国政府的自由贸易区报告责任,使他们有资格获得特殊的海关程序,如直接交货和每周入境,以加快货物的流动.
- Tangible personal property imported from outside the US and held in a zone, as well as produced in the US and held in a zone for exportation, are not subject to state and local taxes.
Contact Director of Economic Development & Tourism, Marjette Upshur at (434) 455-4490 or More information about foreign trade zones is available on the U.S. Government’s Foreign Trade Zones Board website.
Industrial Revitalization Fund
The Industrial Revitalization Fund (IRF)利用本地及私人资源,以市场为导向,重建空置及老化的工商业楼宇.
该计划的目标是空置的非住宅建筑,这些建筑由于条件恶劣而对其所在地区造成了物理和经济上的破坏. Eligible properties shall include those formerly used for manufacturing, warehousing, mining, transportation and power production, as well as large-scale white elephant structures, such as department stores, theaters, hotels and shopping centers. 原先仅用于住宅的建筑物不符合条件.
Only local governments (city, county or town),regional or local economic, or industrial development authorities may apply for the funds. However, 各地得指定重建主管机关或其他类似组织为指定代理人,执行和管理活动. Eligible applicants may also partner with private and nonprofit entities.
Contact Anna Bentson at for more information.